sasoun bakery glendale

Having moved to a new country for the third time in his life, David had to rebuild his life and business all over again. Not knowing the language, city, or anything besides his recipes, he managed to open up his first Sasoun Bakery in East Hollywood at a location notorious for a succession of failed businesses. But that did not discourage him and w

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Xelafer 2024 en Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Muchas tienda estuvieron vendiendo productos artesanales en la feria anual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se puede apreciar algo de lo mucho que se vendia en esta feria. Foto de and

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Los Trajes Ancestrales de Xelahu

EStudiantes de un escuela desfilan mostrando el traje ancestral de ceremonias de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Esto ocurre anualmente durante la feria de la Independencia en la ciudad. Foto de and

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